In Antje's room we found marshmallows EVERYWHERE! In candle holders, pencil cups, under the mattress, in makeup bags and inside of every pair of shoes in the closet!
Now the Kitchen - Shredded paper, so beautifully placed inside of each bowl and plate. |
...And Cups |
...And containers |
Here are a few candy canes in the frig...I also found some under our place mats, in books, on shelves, in cereal boxes and in a few drawers.
Ohh look! In case you cannot see, there is a bowl full of all of Jruss' undies -- they are frozen solid!

Yup - a solid block of ice. This is retaliation from years ago when I hid all Liz's undies in the dryer.
Jruss' room: This sign makes me smile. And the TP job was rather impressive! |
I'm walking in the spiderwebs...leave a message and I'll call you back. |
Seriously, this part was the worst. After a few failed attempts to clean, I decided to sleep on the couch. |
Too bad my pillow was NOWHERE to be found :( |
Clothes were switched -- these aren't mine!
Nice finishing touch - the JustNeem soaps were switched too! Very cute.
There was also a room of surprises awaiting Antje at Phoenix, but I will let her post those pictures.
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