Sunday, December 4, 2011


So, last Sunday night was payback for all the 'decorations' and 'surprises' Antje and I have left for our neighbors over the past year. Here are a few images to show the creativity of Jess, Liz and Brandon's sweet revenge.

We walk into a SWEET set up...cookies, a fun program banner, and a few pieces of furniture moved to new locations. In case you cannot see the white board, it says: "We love you friends and neighbors. Something sweet for your tired dancing feet." We had just gotten home from a night of salsa dancing :)

Moving on into Antje's room. Fun sign!

In Antje's room we found marshmallows EVERYWHERE! In candle holders, pencil cups, under the mattress, in makeup bags and inside of every pair of shoes in the closet!

Now the Kitchen - Shredded paper, so beautifully placed inside of each bowl and plate.  

...And Cups

...And containers

Here are a few candy canes in the frig...I also found some under our place mats, in books, on shelves, in cereal boxes and in a few drawers.

Ohh look! In case you cannot see, there is a bowl full of all of Jruss' undies -- they are frozen solid!

Yup - a solid block of ice. This is retaliation from years ago when I hid all Liz's undies in the dryer.

Jruss' room: This sign makes me smile. And the TP job was rather impressive! 

I'm walking in the spiderwebs...leave a message and I'll call you back. 

Seriously, this part was the worst. After a few failed attempts to clean, I decided to sleep on the couch.

Too bad my pillow was NOWHERE to be found :(

Clothes were switched -- these aren't mine!
Nice finishing touch - the JustNeem soaps were switched too! Very cute.

There was also a room of surprises awaiting Antje at Phoenix, but I will let her post those pictures. 

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